Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Don’t Let Back Pain Keep You Down

Performing physical activities with bulging or herniated discs can be quite painful and make activities like our upcoming 5K seem impossible.  Let’s take a deeper look into what’s going on to see how you can stay out of pain:

  • The discs in your back begin to degenerate (or break down) over time. This is simply caused by normal day-to-day wear and tear on the body. The degeneration process can cause them to bulge or herniate (rupture), which can cause compression on the nerves around them.  

  • Sporadic mild back pain in your 20’s and 30’s may escalate as the discs dry out and further degenerate.  This could cause a more persistent ache throughout the years.

  • While not all herniated discs cause the symptoms mentioned above, some can protrude into the spinal canal.  This will put them close to, or even touching, nerves that could cause existing back pain to shoot down your leg or arm (depending on the section of the spine where the disc is protruding).

  • In the majority of these cases, patients can be out of pain and back to normal activities within 8-12 weeks with regular chiropractic treatment. This gives you plenty of time to get healthy for our upcoming 5K event!

Start your treatment today! You can get back on track with your work out schedule, and feel like a new person! Remember, set achievable goals that you can be accountable for! To schedule an appointment with Dr. Harper about any pain you are having, just give us a call at (205) 425-5428.

*Some information in this blog was derived from an article located at www.health.com

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